• Price, $
  • Operating system version
  • Color
  • Connectivity
  • Screen diagonal, "
  • Screen resolution  The higher the screen resolution, the more detailed the image quality.
  • RAM, GB  RAM is used for temporary storage of data. From the memory size in many cases depends the overall performance of the system.
  • Built-in Memory, GB  The size of the built-in flash memory or the size of the hard disk installed in the tablet. The built-in memory is used to install programs and store files (music, video, photos). The latter occupy the largest amount of memory. If the tablet does not provide for the possibility of increasing storage with memory cards, it is recommended that this parameter be given special attention.
  • Best-seller
  • Housing material
  • Processor clock speed, MHz  The higher the frequency, the faster the speed of the device.
  • Number of processor cores  The presence of multiple cores significantly increases the performance of the tablet's processor.
  • Memory card support
  • Maximum memory card capacity, GB
  • Battery capacity, mAh  The larger the battery capacity indicator, the longer the tablet is able to work without additional charging.
  • Display technology  Tablet screens are manufactured using AMOLED, TFT, TFT IPS, 3Qi, PLS technologies. Each of them has features that affect the quality of the resulting image. <a href="http://www.books-tablets.ru/p/ekranyi-planshetov">Read the full article</a> .
  • Type of touch screen  At the moment there are several types of touch screens: resistive and capacitive. Resistive screens react to touch by any object. Capacitive screens have a noticeable advantage: they support pressing in two points simultaneously (multitouch).
  • Type of 2nd SIM card  Type of second, secondary SIM card
  • Тип Wi-Fi  The wireless network standard of Wi-Fi has the following varieties: 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n, 802.11ac. Each subsequent type is compatible with the previous ones. The highest speed is of the type 802.11ac (up to 1.3 Gbit / s).
  • Bluetooth version
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